The Perils of Being Too Nice

Sometimes, being too nice can feel like a curse. I’ve recently come to a realization that might seem crazy to some, but it’s a truth I have to face: I invested so much in what I thought was a genuine connection, only to discover it was more of a mirage.

Looking back, I see how I built a friendship in my mind that wasn’t really there. I clung to the idea of a bond that never existed outside my own expectations. Now, as the reality sets in, I’m faced with the fact that whatever happens next is out of my control.

I guess this is what happens when you’re too nice—when you give more of yourself than the other person is willing to reciprocate. It’s a lesson learned the hard way, but one that’s part of the journey. From here, I’ll take things as they come, knowing that sometimes the connections we value are only real to us.