Random Thought: Obsessed with Writing? Maybe Just a Little.

I just had a revelation—I’m always writing. Like, constantly. It’s not just the stories I craft or the journal entries where I pour my heart out. Nope, it’s everything. I write shopping lists with way too much detail, little notes to myself on random scraps of paper, and I even write love notes. My mind stays busy, and my hand just follows, like writing is a reflex.

Even my stories usually begin as handwritten scribbles, messy and raw before they ever touch a keyboard. There’s something about seeing the words form on the page that feels so personal, like I’m letting them breathe a little before shaping them into something more.

So, I guess you could say I’m obsessed… but I kind of love it. Writing isn’t just what I do, it’s how I exist. There’s beauty in that, don’t you think?