Random Thought I

While this blog is where I share my updates and behind-the-scenes thoughts, I’m not quite ready to dive into the specifics of what’s going on.

As with all my similar posts, if it doesn’t apply, let it fly.

I don’t bother anyone—I just focus on writing, creating content, reading, and working out. For some reason, people just don’t want to see me happy and at peace.

I love attention, maybe more than some, and I’ve been upfront about this from the start. This is a major reason why I prefer not to be friends with people who are in a relationship or married—it’s about avoiding complications and ensuring there’s enough time for the kind of attention I value. I’ve also found that these connections often lead to awkward and deceptive situations where people try to cover up their absences or mislead me about their true circumstances. SMMFH… Anyway!

If you’re messaging me all day, every day and then suddenly become inconsistent, I DO NOT LIKE THAT SHIT! If you ghost me, I DO NOT LIKE THAT SHIT! I’m not someone you can just drop when you’re finally with the one you’d rather be around or you find something better to do. Like I’m some motherfucking placeholder. I say this shit all the time. So to know what I dislike, and still choose to do it, that’s so fucked up!

Now that I’ve got all that out, let me share something else. Many might not realize the effort I put into responding quickly to my personal messages (day & night). It’s not because I’m glued to my devices—though that’s true to some extent—but because I understand what it feels like to be ignored or ghosted. I never want anyone to experience that pain, so I strive to reply as promptly as possible. It’s disheartening and frustrating that despite my efforts, not a single fucking soul appreciates or acknowledges this. I’m so fucking hurt.

Now I realize that all of this may be a bit too much for someone, but hey, there’s always the option to just leave me the fuck alone.

Again, if it doesn’t apply, let it fly. And please, don’t message or email asking questions about this post—I’ll just block you. Just let me get this shit out.
