Birthday Morning Thoughts

You know what? I just realized this is my first time waking up away from home on my birthday in all these years. Which is probably why I did not sleep well at all last night. Heading home soon, but just wanted to say that my birthday is off to the best start. Everyone’s been so nice & shit, and I love it! And shout out to the people who remember your birthday without even being told—that hits different.

But you know what’s annoying?

When you’re supposed to be mad at someone, and then they do something sweet or say something kind, and for a moment you can’t even be mad. Like, seriously, shut up and let me be mad! 🤬

Can’t wait to enjoy the rest of my day when I get home. I plan to play video games & my birthday dinner will be the same as it always is chili dogs, crinkle cut fries and yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

Anyway, I guess I’m old now… but honestly, I don’t feel old at all. It’s funny how growing older teaches you that it’s less about the years, and more about how you choose to live them.

Time to get dressed and head out.

Erotically Yours,
