Top Three Things I’ve Learned in the Past Year

It’s that time again. Another year, another list.

Not Everything Is Personal
I’ve realized that not every action, comment, or situation is a reflection of me. Sometimes, it’s just about where others are in their own journey. Letting go of that weight has given me more peace.

Embrace the Pivot
This year has shown me that life doesn’t always go as planned, and that’s okay. It’s in those moments of change that I’ve found new paths, ideas, and opportunities.

Rest Is a Form of Progress
I’ve learned the importance of rest and self-care. Taking time for myself is not wasted time—it’s recharging for what’s next.

And lastly, let me close out with my yearly statement (because I know some of you will come to my website and wonder what happened): If, throughout the year, you found a way to contact me whenever YOU needed something, but can’t find a way to reach out and wish me a happy birthday, You Are Dead To Me, Baby! My list of personal contacts is so short!