
The Professor’s Pet

As a dedicated graduate student, I had always prided myself on my ability to maintain a professional distance from my professors. But there was something about ummm, “Professor X” that made every lecture feel like a forbidden indulgence. The way he commanded the room, his voice a stern melody that resonated with an authority I couldn’t ignore, it was as if he were weaving a spell over the entire class. Yet, it was me he seemed to watch with a particular intensity, his gaze lingering just a moment too long whenever our eyes met.

The unspoken tension between us had been building for weeks, a subtle dance of power and submission that played out in the hallowed halls of academia. I found myself dressing a little neater, speaking a little clearer, all in an effort to impress this enigmatic figure who held my academic future in his hands.

One fateful day, as the last of my classmates filed out of the lecture hall, Professor’s voice cut through the silence. “Stay behind, please,” he said, not unkindly, but with an undeniable firmness that brooked no argument. My heart raced as I approached the desk, my palms slick with anticipation.

“I’ve noticed your work,” Professor began, his eyes piercing into mine. “You have potential, but there’s a lack of… discipline in your approach.” The word hung in the air between us, charged with an electricity that seemed to crackle with possibility. “I believe I can help you, if you’re willing to submit to my guidance.”

I nodded, my voice caught in my throat, as Professor stood and walked around the desk to stand before me. “This isn’t just about your academic performance,” he continued, his tone lower now, almost conspiratorial. “I sense in you a need for structure, for control. I can offer you that, but it will require trust. Can you give me that trust?”

Swallowing hard, I managed a whispered, “Yes, Professor.”

“Good,” he said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Then let us begin.”

Professor led me to a private room adjacent to the lecture hall, a sanctum filled with leather-bound books and the faint scent of sandalwood. The room was dominated by a large, ornate desk and two high-backed chairs. It was here that my education would take on a new dimension, one that would explore the depths of my submissive nature.

“Kneel,” Professor commanded, and without hesitation, I obeyed. The act of kneeling before him felt like a surrender, a relinquishing of control that sent a shiver of excitement through me. “You will address me as ‘Sir’ from now on,” He instructed, and I responded, “Yes, Sir”, my voice steady despite the pounding of my heart.

Over the next hours, Professor introduced me to a world of restraint and sensation, guiding me through the rituals of BDSM with a patience and precision that left me both awed and aroused. He showed me the proper way to present myself, how to kneel with my back straight and my hands resting palms-up on my thighs. He taught me the importance of eye contact, the way it could convey both dominance and submission, depending on who was giving and who was receiving.

As the lessons progressed, so did the intensity of our interactions. Professor bound my wrists with soft, supple ropes, his fingers deft as he wove intricate patterns across my skin. He explained the principles of Shibari, the beauty found in the contrast of restriction and freedom, and I felt myself falling into a state of blissful surrender.

With each touch, each command, I found myself more attuned to his will, my body responding to his guidance with an eagerness that surprised me. He introduced me to the sting of the crop, the sharp sensation followed by a warm flood of endorphins that left me craving more. He taught me to breathe through the pain, to embrace it as a pathway to pleasure.

And then there were the moments of tenderness, the aftercare that followed each scene. Professor would hold me close, his voice a soothing balm as he praised my courage and my willingness to explore the shadows within me. He would gently massage my aching muscles, his hands skilled in the art of healing as much as domination.

As the weeks passed, our relationship deepened, the power dynamic between us evolving into something profound and intimate. I found myself excelling in my studies, the discipline I learned in Professor’s private sanctum spilling over into my academic work. But it was the lessons in submission, the raw and sensual exploration of my deepest desires, that truly transformed me.

In the quiet moments, when it was just the two of us, I would look into Professor’s eyes and see the reflection of my own transformation. I had entered his world a curious but inexperienced student, and now I stood before him, confident in my submission, eager to continue learning the lessons of desire.

And though the outside world remained oblivious to the true nature of our relationship, within the walls of that private room, we shared a bond that transcended the conventional boundaries of student and teacher. Together, we ventured into a world of discovery, a sensual and intense exploration of power, trust, and the irresistible allure of BDSM.