I swear, once I wake up, I’m going to create a new blog site dedicated to relationships and all the complexities that come with them. I had one years ago, but it looks like it’s time to create a fresh space for these thoughts.

But here’s the thing that’s been on my mind lately: have any of you ever mourned a friendship the same way you would the end of a romantic relationship? Because that’s exactly what I’m going through right now, and it’s fucking weird.

Friendships, especially the deep and meaningful ones, can be just as impactful and significant as romantic relationships. When a friendship ends, it feels like a part of you is missing. You grieve the shared experiences, the chats, and the comfort of having someone who truly understood you.

It’s strange how this kind of loss can hit just as hard as the end of a romantic relationship. The emotional turmoil, the questioning, and the sense of emptiness can be overwhelming. It’s a reminder that connections, no matter their nature, have a profound effect on our lives.

If you’ve been through something similar, I’d love to hear your thoughts… Not here, but once I get the blog set up.