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Strength in Silence

In the quiet moments, when the world stands still,

I find the strength in you, unspoken, yet so real.

A presence that commands, without a word or sound,

In your silent strength, my heart is tightly bound.

Your eyes, deep and knowing, hold stories untold,

A well of emotion, rich and bold.

In your gaze, I see the universe unfold,

A silent promise, a love so uncontrolled.

Your touch is like a whisper, barely there but full of warmth and passion.

It delicately embraces me and shows a love that is powerful and soothing,

with every gentle gesture and subtle movement.

Your silence speaks volumes, in the still of the night,

A beacon of strength, a guiding light.

In your calm, I find my own peace and might,

Wrapped in your silence, everything feels right.

You are my fortress, my silent knight,

In your strength, I find delight.

With you, no words are needed, none to say,

For in your silent strength, I find my way.