Birthday Reflection

I celebrated my birthday last week and it was AMAZING! Thank you, once again, to everyone who took a moment to acknowledge my special day ☺️

I also want to say I appreciate everyone who checked on me after I announced that I was banned on SoundCloud two weeks ago. That was such a weird and eye-opening situation. Anyway!

This past year has been one of tremendous growth and learning for me. I have been presented with a variety of experiences that have taught me lessons that will stay with me for the rest of my life. One quote that has resonated with me this year is “A lesson will repeat itself until it is learned.”

I believe this to be true as I have experienced firsthand how a lesson can keep coming back around until you’ve learned and fully understood it.

It’s been a year of growth and learning, and it has made me realize that life is full of opportunities to learn. As I move forward into the new year, I will keep this quote in my heart and be open to the lessons that are presented to me. This will help me strive for personal growth while living a life of purpose and fulfillment.
