
Boot Shopping

Warning: Ok, so this is another random post…

My friend is in need of new work boots, and since they have to be steel toe, he thought I would be the perfect person to find his new pair.

He was absolutely right!

In case you don’t know, I have a steel toe boot fetish. I am in love with the Timberland Pro boots. More specifically the Pit Boss. OMG these are some sexy ass boots!

Anyway, I searched through different brands and styles of steel toe boots & shoes. I’d never heard of the Wolverine brand of steel toe boots. They are hot… Not Timberland hot, just “hot” lol.

I ended up picking out a brown pair of the Timberland boots. Not only does he have a sexy pair of boots, these particular boots are highly recommended for individuals suffering from plantar fasciitis. Just thought that was worth mentioning for those of you who will be shopping for steel toe boots in the near future.